One of our real highlights of the trip east was the discovery of the grave sites of some of Tom and Dave's distant ancestors. We found the cemetery where Sherdin Vaughn, a great, great, great-grandfather is buried in Fairview, Ohio. But a few miles away we found the actual stones for John and Elizabeth Allison, other great, great, great-grandparents. The amazing discovery, however, was the actual stone marking the resting place of Jesse Stewart, a great, great, great, great-grandfather and veteran of the War of 1812, at the River Hill Cemetery three miles out of Port Washington, Ohio. With the help of Tom Gardner, the village mayor, who hadn't even knowledge of this remote and untended cemetery, the actual stone still stands and was legible. Jesse Stewart is now only the second veteran of that distant war known in the area. His grave will now be marked for recognition at future memorial and veterans days.